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20 for 20 in 2023

We're looking for 20 new volunteers to celebrate our 20 year anniversary this year. Could you be our next Sightline Superstar?

Celebrating 20 years supporting the sight loss community

We’re looking for 20 new volunteers to celebrate our 20 year anniversary this year – could you be our next Sightline Superstar?

This year, Sightline is celebrating 20 years of service, providing friendship over the phone for people who are visually impaired. To celebrate this achievement, we are keen to recruit 20 new volunteers to support our growing list of service users.

Sightline offers telephone befriending to people in the sight loss community and are in need of more volunteers to support our service. If you, or someone you know, can spare one hour a week to make a difference to someone who has a visual impairment, please get in touch and help us reach this milestone.

Sightline’s telephone-based befriending service is designed to reduce loneliness and isolation in the visually impaired community. Regular phone-based befriending is arranged at a convenient time for both parties and allows volunteers to give their time from any location.

The results of befriending can be very significant. Befriending often provides people with a new direction in life, opens doors to a range of activities and leads to increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

Sightline believes in the intrinsic value of befriending relationships and will provide the service for as long as people feel they want it.

Could you help Sightline reach our target and become a Sightline Superstar?

Ian Edwards, Charity Director says:

“Sightline is now supporting more than 100 visually impaired people with the help of 50 volunteers; many of whom are themselves visually impaired. The ever-increasing demand for our service, following the creation of closer working relationships with RNIB, Guide Dogs and many other sight loss charities, has created a need for more volunteers.

So, if you, or anybody you know has a spare hour each week for a friendly chat from the comfort of their own home, then we’d love to hear from you.”

Rebecca Billington, Engagement & Marketing Manager at Sightline said:

“We are keen for 20 new volunteers to join us and help celebrate our 20 years of service. You’d be making a real difference to peoples’ lives and help offer friendship over the phone to our growing list of befriendees.

All you need is one hour a week. You can make the calls from the comfort of your own home, whilst out walking or even on your lunch break. The service can work whenever and wherever works for both parties, it’s as easy as that!

If you’re interested in volunteering, please get in touch and we can answer any questions you may have.”

Eleanor, Volunteer for Sightline added:

“I volunteer for Sightline and currently have two calls each week. I find it very fulfilling knowing you’re helping someone and making a difference in their life. I wouldn’t give it up for the world and would encourage everyone to volunteer for Sightline.”

If you need our service, would like to become a volunteer, or join others who fund our invaluable work then please call us on 0800 587 2252 or email info@sightline.org.uk.

You can also find out much more information on our Befriending Service by clicking here.”

To find out more, please contact us:


0800 587 2252*





(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)

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