Sightline Story
I heard about Sightline’s telephone befriending service through the RNIB. They thought I may benefit from a weekly befriending call, so I picked up the phone to find out what it was all about.
I have gradually lost my sight over the last 3 years. I had full sight prior to this time; then suffered several strokes triggering the start of my loss of sight. It began with me experiencing double vision but then over time with each subsequent stroke, I could see less and less to the point where I am now totally blind.
The biggest sense of loss I felt was having to stop driving. That was my independence, but it just wasn’t safe for me anymore, so I surrendered my license.

I wouldn’t say I’m socially isolated, I’m lucky as I get out and about with my wife. We like to socialise in our local cafes and pubs. I am unsteady on my feet so wouldn’t risk taking public transport or going any distance from home on my own.

Sightline matched me with someone who is a bit younger than me and has become a close friend to me since we begin our calls in June 2024.
Ben is a great help; not least as he is very knowledgeable about what benefits I could claim for. Like me, Ben is retired now; he had the role of Golf Course Manager and I was a Health & Safety Officer. We share the experiences of our former workplaces which provides varied and interesting conversations. I also enjoy hearing about the holidays he’s been on – cruises being a favourite way to travel!
As we’ve grown to know one another over the weeks and months, our families feature in quite a lot of our conversations. My daughter and 4 grandchildren live with me and my wife, so our house is always busy! Ben was raised by his grandparents, so we always have something to chat about in terms of family life.
I love chatting with Ben; he’s had such a positive impact on my life. I think he feels the same way as he always ends our calls by saying he looks forward to speaking with me next week. I always make sure I pop a reminder on my Alexa device for 10am on a Monday.
I would really miss the calls with Ben if they didn’t happen. They make all my Monday mornings different and get rid of those Monday morning blues! Whether it’s reminiscing about childhood experiences or what we’ve done week by week I really enjoy all our calls.
(Names have been changed to protect identities).
If you would benefit from a telephone befriending relationship like Alan, we are ready for your call.
Call 0800 587 2252 or email us at to find out more.
To find out more, please contact us:
(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)