fbpx Marge’s Sightline Story

Marge’s Sightline Story

Lady holding a mobile phone up to her ear and smiling
With family living some distance away I don’t have anyone visiting other than a neighbour and her husband who I became friendly with during the pandemic. This has proved vital and a real lifeline to me given my recent hip surgery. The Sightline Telephone Befriending Service has provided another opportunity for friendship…

Max’s Sightline Story

Man talking on mobile phone
Jack is a natural befriender – he’s such a good listener. We’re always laughing about one thing or another too. I enjoy listening to podcasts so we’re always sharing recommendations what to try.
I’d whole heartedly recommend the Sightline service to others who are sight impaired. I’ve found it a complete tonic for my soul and look forward to the call every week…