fbpx Blake’s Sightline Story
Man talking on mobile phone

Blake’s Sightline Story

I became a telephone befriender with Sightline in October 2020. My partner found the opportunity online and suggested it to me. It sounded like something I’d be good at as I love to talk to people...

Sightline Story

I became a telephone befriender with Sightline in October 2020. My partner found the opportunity online and suggested it to me. It sounded like something I’d be good at as I love to talk to people.

I currently speak with 3 befriendees each week; all of whom are very different people but equally enjoyable to talk to. One person is now completely blind after a long and gradual sight loss journey and the other 2 people have low vision and other health issues.

I share a common love of music with one befriendee; I am a musician and they used to play in a band. We are both chatty people and I find our calls very interesting. I think we both learn something new from each time we speak.

My plans changed, as they did for so many people during the recent Covid pandemic. Volunteering for Sightline made me realise I wanted to follow a different career path and I am now undertaking a level 3 counselling course.

Man talking on mobile phone
Man talking on mobile phone

My favourite befriending memory so far would be the time one befriendee and I were talking about our musical backgrounds and love of music in general. It’s a lovely common interest to keep coming back to during our calls and one that we know we will never tire of talking about. Not only is music a popular talking point; we discuss Formula 1, the news, families, and everything in-between really.

I’d recommend volunteering with Sightline. Quite simply, it’s very rewarding. I speak with several befriendees a week and that’s totally my choice; volunteers can choose just one call a week and they only need to find 1 hour of their time to do that call. You really do make a difference to someone who otherwise might be feeling quite lonely and isolated.

Name has been changed to protect identity.

We currently have a number of volunteering opportunities available. Please get in touch if you can spare as little as 1 hour a week. Your call can really make a difference to someone living in the sight loss community.

Call 0800 587 2252 or email us at info@sightline.org.uk to find out more.

To find out more, please contact us:


0800 587 2252*





(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)

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