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Tina’s Sightline Story

Eye of young girl with corneal opacity
I first realised something was wrong when I couldn’t see the colours when I was painting. At age 45 my vision was almost perfect so developing an eye condition was something I had to get used to as my sight deteriorated rapidly. I can see several shadows at once which move around a lot, it’s quite disorientating!

Jessica’s Sightline Story

Lady using a mobile phone
I joined Sightline as a Volunteer Telephone Befriender just over six months ago. I am now retired from nursing and was looking for a volunteering role that I could use some of the skills I have gained over the years. More importantly, as I now live on my own, I can understand how people with limited or no sight can become very isolated without interaction with other people…

Lisa’s Sightline Story

Woman talking on a mobile phone
I joined the team of volunteer telephone befrienders with Sightline in April 2022. I connected with a member of the Sightline staff on LinkedIn, and she approached me for an initial discussion as the charity needed telephone befrienders to undertake a weekly call with people who are sight impaired. I also volunteer with Age UK and wanted to find more to do in the same vein…

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