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Josephine’s Sightline Story

Woman talking on a mobile phone
We’re approaching our first year anniversary and we hit it off straight away as we could share similar experiences living with glaucoma. I like to talk about anything and everything, so we never run out of things to chat about. I still have my central vision so enjoy watching soaps like Emmerdale. My befriender doesn’t watch soaps, but she still always asks what’s been happening and if I enjoyed the episode last week!

Jessica’s Sightline Story

Person holding a mobile phone up to their right ear.
All my befriendees are very different and I like that. They may differ wildly in age range and interests but there’s one common factor that draws all our conversations together and that is their loneliness living with sight loss. Many of my befriendees don’t feel they have anything outside of their immediate life at home and/or have a lack of family support…

Marge’s Sightline Story

Lady holding a mobile phone up to her ear and smiling
With family living some distance away I don’t have anyone visiting other than a neighbour and her husband who I became friendly with during the pandemic. This has proved vital and a real lifeline to me given my recent hip surgery. The Sightline Telephone Befriending Service has provided another opportunity for friendship…

Max’s Sightline Story

Man talking on mobile phone
Jack is a natural befriender – he’s such a good listener. We’re always laughing about one thing or another too. I enjoy listening to podcasts so we’re always sharing recommendations what to try.
I’d whole heartedly recommend the Sightline service to others who are sight impaired. I’ve found it a complete tonic for my soul and look forward to the call every week…

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