I have glaucoma and have lost almost all my sight now. I can see a little better outdoors than if I were inside but if it’s a sunny day the sun really hurts my eyes. I live in a nursing home so am lucky to be able to socialise with others…
Category: Sightline Stories (page 5)
Wayne’s Sightline Story
I started volunteering with Sightline in October last year so I’m approaching 6 months now. A friend recommended the opportunity and I thought why not? I love socializing and chatting to people and had the time to spare…
Delilah’s Sightline Story
I started volunteering with Sightline at the start of the Covid pandemic. Like so many people, I had time on my hands and felt I could offer support to someone else who might be feeling isolated or lonely…
Anna’s Sightline Story
I heard about Sightline from another sight loss charity and started volunteering by answering calls on the evening helpline back in 2018. I have been told that I am good with people, and I do love to have a good natter!
Simone’s Sightline Story
I received an Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) diagnosis in 2019. Currently my vision is very blurred in my left eye with my right eye not quite as bad just now…
Colin’s Sightline Story
I developed Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) at 58 and my sight is gradually deteriorating further…
Sarah’s Sightline Story
Eight years ago I was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy; a complication of diabetes where blood vessels in the eye are damaged…
Anita’s Sightline Story
I started volunteering in 2018 after meeting a member of the Sightline team at an event I attended; we had a brief chat and I signed up there and then. I have glaucoma and Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) so can empathize with the service users in need of support…
Carol’s Sightline Story
I have been volunteering for Sightline for just under 3 months now. I became a volunteer because I am going through my own sight loss journey and understand how lonely and scary it can be. I felt I could offer a friendly chat and a listening ear…
Sightline Superstar Crafty Carol
I have been volunteering with Sightline for around 4 years now. I was volunteering with other sight loss charities and felt I had lots of transferable skills and would really enjoy chatting on the phone with other visually impaired people…