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Garfield Weston Funding Success

Sightline is absolutely delighted to receive £10,000 from the Garfield Weston Foundation. This will help with the delivery of Sightline’s telephone befriending service for visually impaired people.

Garfield Weston funding success

Sightline is absolutely delighted to receive £10,000 from the Garfield Weston Foundation. This will help with the delivery of Sightline’s telephone befriending service for visually impaired people.

The service, which is free to use, is designed to reduce loneliness and isolation in the visually impaired community. Regular phone-based befriending is arranged at a convenient time for both parties and allows volunteers to give their time from any location.

The grant will be used during 2025 to continue the expansion of our service which has now supported more than 600 blind and partially sighted people since it was launched in 2018.

Ian Edwards, Charity Director says: “The grant will make a huge difference to the lives of the people that Sightline supports as evidenced by this lovely feedback recently received.”

“I’d whole heartedly recommend the Sightline service to others who are sight impaired. I’ve found it a complete tonic for my soul and look forward to the call every week.”

Ian adds: “The ever-increasing demand for our service, following the creation of closer working relationships with RNIB, Guide Dogs and many other sight loss charities, has created a need for more volunteers, so if you know anybody with a spare hour each week for a friendly chat from the comfort of their own home, then we’d love to hear from them.”

Have a listen to the difference our befriending calls make to Jacqueline, and many others like her. (Video link click HERE).

You can make a referral, apply to volunteer and find out much more information about our befriending service by selecting the relevant web page above.

To find out more, please contact us:


0800 587 2252*





(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)

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