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Lady holding a mobile phone

Margaret’s Sightline Story

I struggle to meet other people because I am not able to go out much and I have severe sight loss. The loneliness and isolation are the worst things as I live on my own after losing my husband...

Sightline Story

I struggle to meet other people because I am not able to go out much and I have severe sight loss. The loneliness and isolation are the worst things as I live on my own after losing my husband.

Just prior to the pandemic, I had an accident which meant I became housebound. I hadn’t been able to leave the house for such a long time which really affected my confidence. If I didn’t have the telephone befriending service from Sightline I don’t know what I would have done.

The befriending service provides me with something to look forward to. Talking to someone with similar interests is brilliant and the times flies by on our call.

I get along really well with my befriender, John*. We speak about something different every week and we are currently chatting all things garden related. He tells me all about the flowers and shrubs he has – I have real garden envy!

I love talking about our gardens and comparing notes on how they are looking. It might seem trivial to some, but it is my love of being green-fingered and the ability to share this with someone else too that makes these calls special. We have just started discussing cookery so I’m keen to share some tasty recipe dishes over the coming weeks with John.

Lady holding a mobile phone
Image description: Lady holding a mobile phone

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

If you would benefit from a telephone befriending relationship like Margaret, we are ready for your call.

Call 0800 587 2252 or email us at info@sightline.org.uk to find out more.

To find out more, please contact us:


0800 587 2252*





(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)

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