Paul seems to have many issues and has overwhelming feelings of isolation and loneliness which can sometimes be difficult to hear. I try to take heart that I am providing him with some much-needed friendship and support, albeit from a distance…
News (page 3)
Lisa’s Sightline Story
I joined the team of volunteer telephone befrienders with Sightline in April 2022. I connected with a member of the Sightline staff on LinkedIn, and she approached me for an initial discussion as the charity needed telephone befrienders to undertake a weekly call with people who are sight impaired. I also volunteer with Age UK and wanted to find more to do in the same vein…
Jason’s Sightline Story
Sightline’s telephone befriending service has provided me with the opportunity to share my life experiences so far. I also enjoy listening to the stories my befriender shares with me; the conversations range from our families to our interests and hobbies with everything in between thrown in too!
20 for 20 in 2023
We’re looking for 20 new volunteers to celebrate our 20 year anniversary this year.
Could you be our next Sightline Superstar?
Maisie’s Sightline Story
Each week, both Melanie and Tom tell me how much they look forward to my calls during their weeks. I truly believe they are my friends, and I am theirs and I am helping to make their lives a lot less lonely…
Paula’s Sightline Story
I haven’t any friends or family so my cleaner and Evie, my Sightline telephone befriender are the only people I am close to…
Jeremy’s Sightline Story
Whilst I am not visually impaired, my befriendee tells me she enjoys ours calls; these can often be lengthy so that to me is a good indicator that the calls are going well!
Sightline Funding Success
Sightline Telephone Befriending is celebrating after being awarded funding from The Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund.
This invaluable funding will help Sightline to continue to provide the service which was launched back in August 2018.
Since the launch, Sightline has helped more than 250 visually impaired people supported by a team of wonderful volunteers, many of whom are also visually impaired…
Rachel’s Sightline Story
Day to day, being visually impaired can be a lonely experience. If the calls I make through Sightline can break up what can be a lonely, long day by offering a funny story or just a listening ear then I would do it ten times over…
Beatrice’s Sightline Story
I am a teacher at a primary school, so my days are extremely busy but the calls with my befriendee are scheduled for early on a Monday evening which fits in perfectly for us both…