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Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy


Sightline is a registered charity offering a Befriending Service by telephone to visually impaired people in England and Wales.

Sightline recognises that our activities have an impact on the environment in terms of the use of raw materials, emissions to air and water and waste generation, and we seek to minimise this as far as is reasonably practicable.

We are fully committed to improving environmental performance across our business activities, and will encourage our staff, business partners, and volunteers to join us in this effort.

Sightline is committed to:
• Continual improvement in its environmental performance
• Preventing pollution
• Compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the industry sector in which it operates.
• Promoting good environmental practice amongst all volunteers, staff, trustees and service users.

Sightline have identified the following as our key impacts on the environment:
• Energy use
• Waste generation
• Emissions to air/water
• Transport
• Procurement

It is the policy of Sightline to:
• Minimise waste by evaluating activities and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
• Actively promote and participate in recycling both internally and amongst its volunteers and partners.
• Purchase sustainable products wherever feasible [e.g. recycled, FSC or low environmentally impact products and energy from renewable sources].
• Adopt an environmentally sound transport strategy.
• Aim to include environmental and ethical considerations in investment decisions where appropriate.
• Encourage members of staff and volunteers to feedback to management about the company’s environmental performance.

We will communicate this policy to all those who work for or represent Sightline and ensure that they are properly briefed in order to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Sightline will review this policy on a bi-annual basis, taking account of any changes within legislation and our organisation, and other factors.

Sightline will publish this policy on their website and make this policy available when requested to interested parties, including members of the public.

Implementation Date: March 2020
Signed / Approved by: Peter Howard, Chair of Board of Trustees
Dated: 3/03/2020
Review Date: March 2024 – completed
Next Review Date: March 2026
Author: Tina Boddington, Environmental Consultant
Frequency of Review: Every 2 Years
Version: Final

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