fbpx Sightline Superstar Crafty Carol
Carol's blue knitted jumper with yellow tractor on the front

Sightline Superstar Crafty Carol

I have been volunteering with Sightline for around 4 years now. I was volunteering with other sight loss charities and felt I had lots of transferable skills and would really enjoy chatting on the phone with other visually impaired people...

Sightline Superstar
Crafty Carol

I have been volunteering for Sightline for several months and it makes my day speaking to such amazing people on a regular basis.

Speaking to lots of lovely people, I consider myself very fortunate and we chat about all sorts from how our day is going to our interests and have a good laugh during our calls.

“I have had several eye conditions from birth, and my eyesight is now deteriorating further due to Glaucoma. I know that sight loss can be very lonely and having a call from a volunteer can have such a positive impact to both service users and their befriender volunteers.” 

Carol's blue knitted jumper with yellow tractor on the front
Carol’s blue knitted jumper with yellow tractor on the front.

I am also a very keen knitter, and I am raising money for Sightline by knitting children’s items for family, friends and colleagues.  

If anyone has anytime to spare to speak to some lovely Sightline service users, I’d highly recommend it. Giving just an hour a week can give so much to someone in the sight loss community.

We currently have a number of volunteering opportunities available. Please get in touch if you can spare as little as 1 hour a week. Your call can really make a difference to someone living in the sight loss community.

Call 0800 587 2252 or email us at info@sightline.org.uk to find out more.

To find out more, please contact us:


0800 587 2252*





(*0800 numbers are free to call from BT landlines and most mobile networks)

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